Embracing GenAI: A Manager’s Guide to Leveraging Covert AI Talent

A new breed of GenAI-enabled employees is emerging in workplaces, often without the explicit awareness of their managers. According to recent research from Microsoft and LinkedIn, many of these adept users could be working right next to you. Understanding this shift is vital for effective management in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. 

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Leveraging Covert AI Talent
Image by Peter Mangin + Midjourney

What is covert AI?

Covert AI refers to employees who independently use AI tools to enhance their productivity and creativity without their managers’ explicit awareness.

The Rise of GenAI in the Workplace 

In a survey of 31,000 workers across 31 countries, it was found that 75% of knowledge workers use AI daily, with 46% having started in the last six months alone. This rapid adoption of AI tools, notably faster than the spread of personal computers, highlights the urgent need for managers to keep pace. The swift integration of AI into daily workflows suggests a fundamental shift in how work is approached, making it crucial for leaders to recognise and adapt to these changes. 


“Embracing Covert AI talent in the workplace is not just about keeping pace with technological advancements; it’s about unlocking the hidden potential within our teams and fostering a culture where innovation thrives through collaboration and transparency.”


1. Identifying Hidden GenAI Users

Many organisations are still formulating their AI policies, leaving proactive employees to seek out and use AI tools independently. This has led to the concept of BYOAI (Bring Your Own AI). Like a modern GPS in the hands of an ancient navigator, these tools provide users with a significant edge. However, many are reluctant to disclose their use of AI for fear of appearing replaceable. Managers must identify these stealth GenAI users and encourage them to share their insights and techniques. 

To effectively locate these users, managers can create open forums or regular meetings where employees are invited to discuss their use of AI tools. Encouraging transparency and fostering a culture that views AI as a collaborative ally rather than a threat can help bring these covert users into the open. This approach not only benefits individual employees but also allows the organisation to harness collective AI knowledge for greater innovation and efficiency. 


2. Hands-On Experimentation with GenAI

To fully grasp the potential of GenAI, managers need to become users themselves. Microsoft’s research indicates that frequent experimentation is the top predictor of becoming proficient with GenAI. By engaging directly with these tools, managers can better support their teams and integrate AI more effectively into their workflows. 

Managers should allocate time for personal experimentation with various AI applications, understanding firsthand the benefits and limitations of these tools. This hands-on experience can demystify AI, making it easier to identify practical applications within the team’s projects. Additionally, leaders who are well-versed in AI can provide more informed guidance and support, helping their teams leverage AI to its fullest potential. 


Adoption Of AI Tools Among Knowledge Workers
Impact Of AI On Areas Of Focus For Employees

3. Recognising and Rewarding AI Savvy Employees

Employees leveraging GenAI are not merely tech enthusiasts; they are forward thinkers who are enhancing productivity and creativity. These Power Users are often more satisfied and productive, using AI to automate mundane tasks and focus on more impactful work. Managers should acknowledge and reward these contributions, as failing to do so could result in losing valuable talent to competitors who appreciate their skills. 

Recognising AI talent can be achieved through formal and informal rewards, such as public acknowledgement in team meetings, performance bonuses, or career advancement opportunities. By celebrating the achievements of AI users, managers not only boost morale but also signal to the entire team that innovation and efficiency are highly valued. This can inspire more employees to explore AI tools, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and technological adaptation. 


4. Shifting Focus from Quantity to Quality

Traditional metrics of performance, such as volume of output, are becoming obsolete in the age of AI. Instead, managers should prioritise the quality and creativity of work produced using AI tools. Evaluating the true value of AI-generated work requires new benchmarks and a deeper understanding of what constitutes high-quality output. 

Managers need to develop new criteria for assessing performance that go beyond mere quantity. This involves asking questions like: “How innovative is this solution?” and “What impact does this work have on our goals?” By focusing on outcomes and the strategic value of AI-enhanced work, managers can better appreciate the contributions of their teams. Additionally, providing feedback that emphasises creativity and strategic thinking can help employees align their efforts with organisational priorities. 


Benefits Of Leveraging Covert AI Talent

Adapting to the AI-driven workplace 

The shift towards AI-enhanced work processes is seismic, and staying ahead requires proactive adaptation. Managers must not only become proficient in GenAI tools but also foster an environment where innovative use of AI is encouraged and rewarded. By doing so, they can ensure their teams are not just keeping up but leading in the AI-driven future of work. 

Investing in training and development programs focused on AI literacy can equip employees with the skills they need to thrive. Furthermore, creating cross-functional teams that include AI experts can facilitate knowledge sharing and drive innovation across the organisation. By staying informed about AI advancements and continuously adapting strategies, managers can turn potential challenges into opportunities, ensuring long-term success in an AI-integrated workplace. 





Located in Auckland, New Zealand, AI Innovisory is your strategic partner in navigating the complex landscape of AI and its transformative impact on businesses. We are not an AI solution provider but a dedicated AI consulting firm that empowers businesses to harness the power of AI in innovative and strategic ways.

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