Cutting Costs and Boosting Engagement for a Major Consumer Brand

AI image generation for social media
Concept imagery


A prominent consumer brand faced escalating costs and logistical difficulties in producing high-quality visual content for their social media platforms. Monthly expenses ranged from $2,000 to $6,000, with content creation often requiring complex, time-consuming, and potentially hazardous photoshoots.



AI Innovisory introduced an AI-powered image generation system that directly addressed the client’s need for cost-effective and engaging content:

  • Custom AI Model: We developed an AI model specifically trained on the client’s existing brand imagery, ensuring on-brand visuals.
  • On-Demand Image Portal: A custom portal was created, enabling the client’s marketing team to generate brand-specific images on-demand, anytime, without waiting for external production.
  • Cost-Effective Approach: The solution came with minimal upfront costs and significantly lowered ongoing expenses, as it eliminated the need for traditional photoshoots.

Rapid Implementation Timeline

  • Week 1: Data collection and preparation. AI Innovisory gathered the client’s existing imagery, brand guidelines, and creative assets for training the AI model.
  • Week 2: Model training and integration into a user-friendly portal that allowed the client to generate images whenever needed. By the end of the second week, the portal was live, and the marketing team was fully trained on how to use it.

The entire solution was implemented in just two weeks, ensuring a fast transition from traditional content creation to AI-generated visuals, accessible on demand.


Costs and ROI

  • Initial Setup Cost: $2,400 for AI model training, portal setup, and integration
  • Ongoing Costs: Reduced monthly expenses to under $200, representing a cost reduction of 90-95% from their previous monthly spend.
  • Return on Investment: The solution paid for itself within two months, translating into an annual savings of approximately $21,600 to $69,600, depending on the previous monthly spend.


  • Cost Reduction: The client’s monthly spend plummeted from up to $6,000 to under $200, resulting in significant savings while maintaining a high quality of visual content.

  • Enhanced Content Strategy: With the on-demand portal, the brand was able to produce images more frequently, increasing their content output. The AI-powered portal allowed them to experiment with unique and “impossible” visual scenarios, from surreal product placements to dramatic environmental conditions. Transparency about AI usage resonated positively with their audience, enhancing trust.

  • Increased Engagement: Posting frequency surged, and the brand experienced a 60-70% increase in engagement on their social media platforms, attributed to both the more frequent posting and the innovative, visually striking content produced by AI.

  • Safety Benefits: The need for potentially dangerous photoshoots, such as extreme weather conditions or hazardous locations, was eliminated, improving team safety and reducing logistical burden.

  • Client Satisfaction: The client expressed high satisfaction with the quality, flexibility, and cost savings achieved through AI-generated imagery. Their marketing team found the portal intuitive and easy to use, which accelerated their creative workflow and reduced dependency on third-party services.


Creative Flexibility and Scalability

The AI solution provided the client with unprecedented creative freedom, enabling them to generate visuals that were previously impossible or too costly to produce. Some examples include:

  • Imagery featuring weather conditions or environments that would be difficult to replicate safely, like sandstorms or underwater settings.
  • Seamless integration of special effects, such as levitating products or ethereal lighting, that traditionally required complex editing or setup.

The custom portal is highly scalable. As the client’s campaigns and product lines evolve, the AI model can be retrained or fine-tuned to accommodate new visual styles, product launches, and marketing needs. The portal can also be expanded to include AI-generated video or animated content in the future.


You are welcome to try the portal for free, but with no trained model, here.


Ethical Considerations and Transparency

From the start, the brand was transparent about its use of AI-generated content, ensuring that their audience understood the role of AI in creating their social media visuals. This transparency, far from being a drawback, actually resonated positively with their followers. Many of their audience members appreciated the innovation, and some even praised the brand for embracing cutting-edge technology.

The client’s approach to transparency helped reinforce their brand as forward-thinking and trustworthy. As more consumers become aware of AI’s role in content creation, brands that are open about its usage can build stronger, more authentic connections with their audiences.


Future Outlook

The client is enthusiastic about the potential of AI-generated content and plans to continue leveraging this technology across their marketing efforts. Future developments may include:

  • Expanding AI usage beyond social media to support campaigns in digital advertising, email marketing, and even print media.
  • Fine-tuning the AI model to accommodate new product lines or seasonal promotions.
  • Integrating AI-generated video or animated content to further diversify their digital presence.

Key Takeaways

This case study highlights the transformative impact of AI Innovisory’s tailored image generation solutions. By leveraging AI, the client reduced their content creation costs by up to 95% while boosting engagement and posting frequency. The custom on-demand portal allows the marketing team to generate high-quality visuals at any time, offering flexibility and creative freedom. Transparent AI usage, enhanced creativity, and safety benefits further contributed to the success of this initiative.



Interested in how AI can revolutionize your brand’s content creation and marketing strategy? Contact AI Innovisory today to explore how our custom AI solutions can reduce costs, boost engagement, and unlock new creative possibilities.

About Author


Located in Auckland, New Zealand, AI Innovisory is your strategic partner in navigating the complex landscape of AI and its transformative impact on businesses. We are not an AI solution provider but a dedicated AI consulting firm that empowers businesses to harness the power of AI in innovative and strategic ways.

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